APPC Skills Assessor
Location: East Rutherford, NJ
What I do:
I get to work with Emiliya providing assistance with The Flourishing Center’s Coach Training Program: APPC/ACTP ICF Approved Program and growing a group of amazing Positive Psychology Coaches by listening to and assessing individual Practicum and Mentor Coaching Sessions.
Professional Experience:
I have had many client facing and organizational roles throughout my career which support my professional and personal wisdom that has contributed to my ongoing success.
I started out as a teacher and taught elementary school for 5 years. I then set out on my journey during which time I gained experience being a ‘jean of all trades” and master of none: accountant; auditor; writer; editor; people manager; program manager; real estate manager; general manager; corporate executive; consultant and lots more in between becoming a Human Resource Manager in a doctor’s office which is where I am presently employed. And I am not done yet.
Amidst all of my experiences around 2013, I received an email about the Science of Happiness taught by Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, and there is where I found the golden nugget of inspiration in my life which is the gift that keeps on giving to me so that I can give to others. I was blessed to be needed by The Flourishing Center working as the CAPP Program Manager for close to 6 years.
My present job is utilizing the compilation of so many of my skills and talents which continue to amaze me: “Finally, I accept the fact that I DO know a lot and bring value in the world.” It took decades to get to this point and there is still more to do.
I am a lifelong learner and take every opportunity to continue to learn even more which includes certification: CAPP, APPC Coaching Skills Training, Flourishing Skills Group Facilitator, Resilience Trainer, Zumba Instructor, Healing Touch Practitioner, Integrative Life Coach and Certified Stress Management Consultant. AND I am about to register for an Ontological Coaching Program: Coaching to the Human Soul.
It is with determination that I WILL build upon my brand: “One Wellness Way, LLC” which includes the many paths that people can travel, together or alone, to create their own journey of life. “My One Wellness Way”, moto which is my favorite sentiment learned at The Flourish Center: “What’s right with you?” and helping people to explore THAT.
My Story:
My happiest place in life is to be loving, kind and understanding to all people, knowing that we are ALL from the same source yet unique based on the experiences that we have had which are ours, and ours alone. I am so grateful that we are all different otherwise what would life be like? Rather boring, don’t’ you think? My concern for others is genuine and comes from within, without pause. As a child I loved to dance, perform, twirl my skirt…exhibit joy from the warmth in my soul. It is not a thought to wear a smile with everyone that I meet; it comes naturally. I love to engage others and listen to their stories, finding them fascinating most of the time, and using each one to learn a new lesson to take with me.
Morning Ritual:
I love to waken before the sun rises each morning and begin most days with 45 minutes of stretching. I then shower, make my coffee and morning smoothie and sit at my kitchen counter sipping my coffee and shake, journaling, reading magazine articles, answering friend’s emails, noting creative thoughts that pop into my head, write notes to friends….the morning is MY time to ramp up before I get my show on the road.
A Little Known Fact About Me…
I have a very good sense of humor and can be very funny. I create puns easily that are witty which usually bring at least a smile to someone’s face. Most of my “material” comes from my observations of everyday life because most things are pretty funny when you think about it. I refer to myself as: Jeanne Poling, EdP; ML (Everyday Person, Masters in Life). One of my deep desires is to write a blog about how, when we change the angle of our lens, we can shift from seeing daily burdens into daily opportunities to influence change and bring joy in the world.