Practice: The Application of Positive Psychology
We focus on both the science of positive psychology and it’s practical application in the real world.
Research and application are two sides of the same coin. Ongoing research gives us insight and data on the effects of positive psychology; what works and how does it work? . We use that data to craft interventions and learning experiences so that change agents can not only learn how to impact their own wellbeing, but help others thrive as well.
A question we hear A LOT is “What do people do with positive psychology?”
The truth is, few programs or organizations give you a concrete answer for how to apply positive psychology. Like other branches of psychology (i.e. social psychology, evolutionary psychology, spiritual psychology) it’s up to the practitioner to identify ways to apply it. This can be overwhelming for people since there isn’t a clear path for positive psychology in the way there is for traditional psychology (i.e. being a therapist, working in a clinic, etc).
We’ve been applying positive psychology for over a decade and want to save you time, money and energy, by teaching you the pathways for building a career out of positive psychology.
How do you turn a passion for helping people and into a sustainable living?
We’ve compiled thousands of data points into creating a system for helping people identify how to apply positive psychology, and how to avoid the pitfalls and challenges that people typically go through in trying to put positive psychology into practice.
The 5i Model
This research based approach, created by Flourishing Center Founder, Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, is a framework for first identifying which Change Agent “Type” you are, and then based on your type, helping you create a road map for personal and professional success.
The P5: Putting Positive Psychology into Practice Panels
The key to successfully applying positive psychology is knowing how to TRANSLATE the science to your population and industry. Watch our series of panel discussions on the applications and strategies for using positive psychology within different business and life domains.