Welcome to the Bounce Back Better System.
As a Mindful Leader Conference attendee, get $120 off of the Mental Resilience Skills Bundle course. Scroll down for a detailed description of each of the 4 Mental Skills courses.
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Bounce Back Better Mental Skills:
The purpose of this course is to help you build mental skills for resilience starting with the fundamental skill of cultivating a mindset for success, also known as a growth mindset.
This course will introduce you to two types of mindsets and help you build your capacity for bouncing back when facing adversity by getting curious and staying on the learner path. These skills will prepare you to stay solution focused and empower you to move through life challenges that come your way.
In this session, you will learn how thoughts and beliefs shape your mindset and the actions that you take.
- You will be introduced to self-fulfilling prophecies (SFP) and how beliefs become results.
- You will learn the differences between fixed and growth mindset and recognize that cultivating a growth mindset is essential for resilience.
- You will learn about the Choice Map, by Dr. Marilee Adams, and will uncover that you have a choice about how to react to situations.
- You will practice getting and staying on the learner path, as well as how to redirect your thoughts when you find yourself on the judger path.
- Curiosity is emphasized as the antidote to judgment and criticism and you are encouraged to practice the simple skill of: “How fascinating?!”
Completion time: 1 hour
The purpose of this course is to give you an overview of cognitive skills that will empower you to reframe pessimistic thoughts/beliefs which will help you increase your experience of positive emotions. These skills will prepare you to stay solution focused and empowered despite obstacles that come your way.
In this session, you will learn about the ABC model of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). You will learn that beliefs, interpretations, expectations and attributions affect how you feel and what you do.
- You are introduced to the difference between optimistic and pessimistic explanatory style.
- You are taught to dispute your judgments by looking for evidence for and against a thought or belief.
- You’ll learn how to create “better feeling thoughts” that are also solution focused thoughts that can help you take action
- You are taught to identify a fixed mindset behavior and a growth mindset behaviors so that you can stay on the path of learning and moving through obstacles..
Completion time: 1 hour 5 mins
These skills are fundamentals for resilience and are a bit more sophisticated than the scholar level. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to dive in. You’re mastering your mind, one skill at a time.
This course will help you understand how to work through one of nature’s most basic emotions: fear.
You will learn about the evolutionary role of worry and how to appreciate the emotion for its natural, yet often misguided, efforts.
Worry is meant to alert the mind-body to the possibility of a threat so that it can be mobilized to problem solve. However, worry and fear are separate from the process of problem-solving, and oftentimes, hinder effective problem solving and demobilize people.
- You will learn to befriend your worries, but not give in to them.
- You will learn how to shift your felt experience of worry and how to build up your tolerance for uncertainty.
- You will grow from being a worrier, someone who is weighed down by fear, into a warrior, someone that feels the fear and acts in the face of it.
These skills will prepare you to stay solution focused and empower you to move through life challenges that come your way.
In this session, you will alsolearn about tackling thoughts about the future. These thoughts are often linked to the emotions of doubt, worry, or fear. This session builds on the previous sessions by looking specifically at worry, how and why the emotion works, and how we can practice self-compassion and self-care in the face of worry.
- You will reflect on the role worry plays in your life and what types of things you tend to worry about.
- You will explore basic facts about worry and what your inner worrier looks and feels like.
- You will explore the physical impact of extended worry. Worry is meant to propel you to take actions to protect yourself from harm, however, worry often gets in the way of problem solving.
- You will learn about Susan Jeffers’ models from, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway. This is your Warrior Training and you are encouraged to use meaning as a mechanism to courageously push past your doubts.
- You will be exposed to the worst-case, best-case, and most-likely scenarios skill.
- You will revisit the importance of breath control to create conditions where you can work with your worries and you will be introduced to a simplified model of what to do when you worry.
Completion time: 1 hour 10 mins
This course will give you practical skills for mastering your mind.
You will learn simplified approaches for redirecting your thoughts in real-time. Instead of getting stuck in thoughts of judgement, worry, or regret, you will learn to choose thoughts that feel better, are solution oriented and help you show up in the world the way you want to.
You will learn that mindfulness and meditation increase self-regulation and elongate the gap between stimulus and response. This creates a pathway for mastering thoughts so that when adversity strikes, you have the skills necessary to keep your thoughts from weighing you down and you can keep moving. The ability to keep moving is what enables us to bounce back. These skills will prepare you to stay solution focused and empower you to move through life challenges that come your way.
- You will learn to identify the type of thoughts you are having and how to “talk back” to the thoughts in real time.
- You will learn to use simple statements as “talk backs” to your mind chatter.
- You will learn how thoughts and mind chatter relate to resilience and connect with your personal mind chatter through short exercises of noticing your thoughts.
- You will learn about the benefits of mindfulness. A “pointing and naming” activity gives you a playful opportunity to practice.
- You will practice meditation through different meditation experiences such as awareness of senses and breath focus meditation.
- You will be introduced to the Mind Over ChatterTM approach created by Emiliya Zhivotovskaya. You will be given practical reframes for the types of thoughts that might otherwise limit your resilience.
- You will be encouraged to take the language of your thoughts seriously and identify that some thoughts are life enhancing, productive, and useful, while other thoughts are life diminishing, debilitating, and harmful.
- You will practice choosing a “better feeling thought” after identifying thoughts that might otherwise trip you up.
- You will use the “talk back sentences” to identify strategies for combating your intrusive thoughts. This practice will prepare you to use these skills to talk back to you mind chatter in real-time.
Completion time: 1 hour 31 mins
The motto of this session is: “Don’t believe everything you think,” and “Choose better feeling thoughts.”