Free Positive Psychology Class Enroll Instantly
What if the secret to a flourishing life was actually a formula? What if the elements were already known?
Turns out, nearly three decades of research have been dedicated to uncovering what enables people to live vibrant, flourishing lives. Positive psychology is a new field of study that uses rigorous science to answer the question, ‘What’s right with you? And, how can we build more of that?’ Tired of feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, overworked, underpaid, disengaged or over-stimulated?
- Discover the formula for thriving, based on published, academic research.
- Learn how to take back the reins to your life through simple, proven tools for managing your thoughts, shifting your emotions and inspiring your actions.
- Identify simple tweaks to your schedule, outlook and habits that can lead to dramatic and measurable increases to your well-being.
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