Samantha describes herself as a Communicator, Writer and Life Enthusiast. She is currently a Communications Manager at Jefferson Health in Philadelphia, PA and holds 10 years of communications, and public relations experience working with organizations of all sizes. As a Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner, Samantha is now bringing the pioneering change of positive psychology […]
Student Spotlight: Melissa Regan
Melissa L Regan has been caring for and touching lives for decades. The last 12 years she has worked as a Transplant Coordinator assisting families through difficult times. In this position she has witnessed a range of emotions.She says that positive psychology has helped her so much in understanding human nature and behavior. As Mary Zenzen, a […]
Student Spotlight: Kim Quick
Meet Kim Quick who on day one of CAPP class reminded us all, “It’s a fallacy. I’m actually quite slow.” And not slow in a bad or weird way – but slow in a way that is thoughtful, attentive, intentional, and wise. She gives us big-picture perspective, the kind that is justified in science all […]