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The Positive Psychology of the Super Bowl and the Super Hive
Have you ever lost yourself in a crowd, felt a sense of awe or even felt your individual identity dissolve as a part of a group? I felt this sensation wash over me on Sunday as I stood in the hotel lobby of the downtown Marriott in Philadelphia when the Eagles won the Super Bowl. […]
How to create a Positive Psychology based Holiday Party
Activities for infusing your event with science and joy! Welcome! I hope you enjoy this review of our most recent Flourishing Center Holiday Party in New York City! I hope this gives you ideas on how you can integrate research based interventions into your next gathering to fill everyone with wellbeing and good cheer. I […]
Student Spotlight: Kalpana Parekh
Kalpana has been an inspiration to the CAPP 5 class since day 1 by immersing herself in the education of positive psychology and by being a constant SOcial-eMOtional leader. Kalpana was exposed to positive psychology from a very young age, thanks to her family. When she grew up, she first became an investment banking financial […]
Student Spotlight: Kim Quick
Meet Kim Quick who on day one of CAPP class reminded us all, “It’s a fallacy. I’m actually quite slow.” And not slow in a bad or weird way – but slow in a way that is thoughtful, attentive, intentional, and wise. She gives us big-picture perspective, the kind that is justified in science all […]
Videographer/Photographer Interns needed in 7 Cities!
THE FLOURISHING CENTER IS LOOKING FOR VIDEOGRAPHER/PHOTOGRAPHER INTERNS NEW YORK, NY – The Flourishing Center (TFC) seeks photography and videography interns to join our fall cohorts of the Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) program, a six-month personal and professional learning program now offered in NYC, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, Boston, and Toronto. The […]
Looking for Fall Interns
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 8.18.15 THE FLOURISHING CENTER IS LOOKING FOR FALL INTERNS NEW YORK, NY – The Flourishing Center (TFC) seeks a fall intern to join our bCorp (benefit corporation) working as social entrepreneurs developing and implementing learning opportunities for change-agents in the world. TFC is a community of change agents; passionate about science, research […]
The Science of Awe
A recent study showed that people who frequently experience the emotion of awe had the lowest levels proinflammatory cytokines (fancy word for the good guys in your body that try to protect you during stress by creating inflammation). People used to think that awe was something that you happened to you. It wasn’t an emotion […]
Positive Psychology: What it is & How it Can Improve Your Life
When people think of psychologists today, the first thing that comes to mind is talk therapy. However, in the early days of psychology researchers spent very little time with psychotherapy. Psychologist worked in the lab. They wanted to understandhow reflexes worked (i.e. Touch a hot stove… Ouch! Move your hand away), perception worked (i.e. I see […]